Sunday, January 22, 2012

And the Crafts Continue

I am an official pinterest addict. The DIY and crafts section is my drug. Haha. Anyways I have found multiple skirt and dress ideas, and I have finally put one of them into action.

What you see in the pictures is the fastest and easiest home made skirt project out there. It literally took me less than an hour. Even better it only cost me about $8 for the fabric and elastic.

So first of all I measured my waist. (My waist was 30) Then I added about 8 or 9 inches to that. I folded the fabric in half and marked where 38 inches was and drew a single rectangle. I cut along the line of the rectangle, keeping the fold, this is very important. So when all was cut I had 2 pieces of fabric that had a 39 inch width. I sewed the sides together so it was a rectangle. (thats the first picture)

Next I made the stitch go up to the 5 because I was going to be ruffling this next part. I sewed a straight line all around the top circle part. Then I pulled one of the strings to create a ruffle, but you have to be very careful while doing this to prevent the thread from breaking. You want to evenly distribute the ruffles. Ruffle it enough so that it is now you waist size. ( this is the second and third pictures)

Once you've done the first and second steps above, the hard parts are behind you. After doing the ruffle and making it the size of your waist, you sew on the elastic. I used a 1 1/2 inch elastic to sew over the ruffle part. Basically all you do is measure the size of your waist, measure that on the elastic, cut the elastic to that size, pin it onto the ruffle part (don't worry if its smaller then the ruffle, it will stretch) , and sew it onto the ruffle. This is pictured in the 4th picture.

Now all you have to do is hem to bottom to your desired length ( I did mine to my knees) and bang you have a simple, comfy, cheap, and cute skirt.

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